I think Robin Williams saw it coming

I think Robin Williams saw it coming

He was as sensitive a soul as you could find

A gentle true spirit with a razor sharp mind

A genuine human exclamation point

And one of a kind

I think Robin Williams saw it coming

And it must have made him awful sad to see

The day beyond the day beyond the day of his demise

And that he wouldn’t be here

To brighten peoples eyes

I think Robin williams saw it coming

All the anger and the stupid, stupid shit

And it rose within his mind

And it broke his fuckin heart

It broke his fuckin heart.

Paul Elwood
Paul ElwoodPaul Elwood Guitar Coach
I most enjoy the interaction between myself and my students. There is something profoundly cool about helping a guitarist or a uke player on their own path. I find working with beginners- especially adult beginners- is both humbling and fulfilling. I like to think I offer excellent customer service! I truly enjoy working with people who are either looking to take up this wonderful instrument or improve their playing. My remote students get a combination of real-time coaching and personal customized video lessons and in-person students get the advantage of one-to-one focused attention, of course. We start out with a goal -usually a song you want to learn- decide when we’ll meet, and figure out how long it’s going to take to get it the way you want.