lead sheet with lyrics after you’ve gone

Play “After You’ve Gone”

“After You’ve Gone” is a 1918 popular song composed by Turner Layton with lyrics by Henry Creamer.
It was recorded by Marion Harris on July 22, 1918, and released by Victor Records.

The song became so popular that the sheet music was later decorated with tiny photographs of the 45 men who made the song famous, including Paul Whitman, Rudy Vallée, B.A. Rolfe, Guy Lombardo, and Louis Armstrong.

The chorus adheres to a standard ABAC pattern but is only 20 measures long. There are four 4-bar phrases, followed by a 4 measure tag. The song is harmonically active, with chord changes almost every measure. The opening four notes are identical to the opening notes of “Peg o’ My Heart” (1912) — at the time songwriters often borrowed the first few notes of a hit melody.

Paul Elwood
Paul ElwoodPaul Elwood Guitar Coach
I most enjoy the interaction between myself and my students. There is something profoundly cool about helping a guitarist or a uke player on their own path. I find working with beginners- especially adult beginners- is both humbling and fulfilling. I like to think I offer excellent customer service! I truly enjoy working with people who are either looking to take up this wonderful instrument or improve their playing. My remote students get a combination of real-time coaching and personal customized video lessons and in-person students get the advantage of one-to-one focused attention, of course. We start out with a goal -usually a song you want to learn- decide when we’ll meet, and figure out how long it’s going to take to get it the way you want.