Custom video lesson for the song you want to learn!

professional guitar instruction

Let me know what song you’d like to learn to play and what level of guitarist you are. I’ll produce a video custom-made to help you with that song!

If a student of mine can’t make a previously-scheduled online lesson for some reason, I generally substitute a custom video lesson for the material that we would have covered in our session and post it to youtube. Besides being useful for my student, other guitar players might get some value from it too, right? But then I thought “what if I just make the video for someone who’s interested in learning the song?” So here we are. If you want to play a song, I’ll make a video to help you with that!

Here’s a page on my site with a link to some lessons done for students at various levels– from beginners to more advanced finger-style guitar students. I can help you with most techniques that involve playing chords and melody. Tapping and sweep-picking, sorry, not so much.

The offering generally includes an easily understood youtube video, description of what I’ doing, chord charts/tab or notation and/or mp3 file. Individual video lessons are $25 and you can pay for your own personalized video here.

Some example lessons are linked below:

  • If you’re not sure if you are an intermediate or an advanced guitar student, here are a few things that might help you decide.
  • Your $25 fee covers my time to create the video and/or any ancillary materials. It does not convey in any way ownership of any study material I create or any materials hosted or linked on Use this stuff as much as you want to though, just don’t change the attribution.
  • The more specific about your level of skill and what you want to accomplish, the more value the video will have for you.
  • If you are interested in music theory and you want to look under the hood a little, I can include that in your personalized video too! Just let me know what you want.

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